The financial aspects of homeschooling can be rough. One parent usually has to stay home, and buying supplies for the kids every year adds up. (Especially if you're a hopeless curriculum junkie like I am, heh.) So here's my roundup of the best free homeschooling resources. I'll update as I come across more.
Phonics and Language Arts:
McGuffey Readers I haven't used these myself, but many homeschooling parents swear by them.
Word Mastery A vintage phonics guide. Very solid, and from what I've seen, the basis for a lot of newer phonics programs. The black and white drawings are adorable, and it'll go much easier on your printer than some of them.
Khan Academy Free videos and practice sets that will teach you any kind of math on the planet, along with a lot of other subjects.
Math Enhancement Programme (MEP) Without a doubt, MEP is one of the best free resources out there. For math education, it rivals Singapore in its greatness, and is used by many. You'll need a printer with some stamina.
Arts and Music:
Classics for Kids This website is home to a radio program that focuses on classical music and kids- hence the name- and has a wide variety of classical music you can play for free.
Meet the Masters This is a good way to expose your child to art, and to thinking about art. I love it because it includes all the pictures inside the curriculum, so if you have a decent-sized monitor, you don't have to track down obscure prints.
Ambleside Online For those who adhere to the Charlotte Mason educational philosophy, Ambleside Online is like Mecca. You can spend hours just reading the booklists. A great resource even for more classical homeschoolers.
Baltimore Curriculum Project A free curriculum for grades K-5 that follows the Core Knowledge Sequence.
Crayola If you can look past the annoying and ever-present marketing, this website is a wealth of coloring pages, projects, worksheets, lesson plans, and lots more.
The Handbook of Nature Study A vintage guide to everything you ever wanted to know about introducing your child to the great outdoors.
Sourceforge A huge collection of free, open-source programs. The Home and Education section has some really great finds.
Wee Folk Art Guides Seasonal preschool curriculum. They're more of a supplement than a full program, but I love the weekly art suggestions.
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