10 March 2012

Our Saxon Math arrived!

Finally, after exactly seven days, our Saxon Math K is here!  Sydney is so excited, and we ended up doing the first four lessons on the first day.

I'll post a full review once we've been using it for a few months, but I just wanted to give my first impressions because, well, when you're homeschooling one preschooler, opportunities for blogging about curriculum are few and far between.

I was quite impressed with the quality of most of the manipulatives.  The plastic pieces are extremely thick and sturdy, and you get a lot of each kind of material.  The balance does seem a bit flimsy, as other bloggers have noted, but if it becomes a problem later on we can always purchase a better one.

The book is thick.  Holy mother, is it thick.  It is over four hundred pages, and I could get a decent workout just hefting the thing a few times a day.  It is spiral bound, which I love, and everything is scripted.  I like that, because I tend to go on a bit much.  This helps reign in my overlong explanations.

As I said, I'll post more on this later on.  I'm so excited though that I had to post SOMETHING about it.

Here's a few more pictures from what we did today:

Making the "big wall of China," according to Sydney.

My pretty flower.

Sydney's pictograph.
She was SO excited.

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